Wood is a natural material and so many factors interfere in estimation of its physical and mechanical properties. Consequently variability in properties should be taken into account to rationalize its application. Longitudinal modulus of elasticity is one of the main mechanical properties of the material, and its value can be obtained via standardi...
The performance of treated wood in the field is ultimately affected by retention and penetration of preservative in wood. In the present study, a new preservative system ZiBOC and a commercially used preservative copper-chrome-arsenate (CCA) were used for evaluation of treatability of Melia composita by the vacuum pressure method at different press...
This work aimed to evaluate the effect of veneer inclusion with different wood species, and also different levels of pressing pressure applied in the moment of the veneer inclusion over physical mechanical properties of already consolidated OSB (Oriented Strand Board) panels. Treatments were arranged in factorial scheme 4 x 2 (four wood types for v...
The influence of ultrasonic pretreatment prior to vacuum drying of Chinese fir specimens was examined in this work. In the pretreatments, wood samples were immerged in a distilled water bath and were treated using two wave frequencies for four different elapsed times to investigate effects of ultrasonic frequency and treatment duration. Then the wo...
Se estudió el efecto en la productividad de la elaboración de blanks a partir de la implementación de un modelo de incentivo salarial del tipo Improshare, dirigido al personal de una empresa chilena de remanufacturado de maderera que produce molduras y marcos de puerta (ayudante, operador medio y operador máster), para lo cual se compararon dos per...
The stress capacity of joints made of modified wood members under loading can be affected by design of joints and type of adhesive. Hence, these factors were addressed in this study by assessment of stress capacity variations in corner joints under diagonal applied compressive load induced combined stresses. The joints with mitered and butted desig...
RESUMEN La disponibilidad de madera aserrada producida en Uruguay ha tenido un incremento significativo en los últimos treinta años debido a la política gubernamental para promover plantaciones de rápido crecimiento. Para aplicaciones estructurales, la madera debe estar clasificada según su resistencia mecánica, rigidez y densidad, y sus propiedade...
RESUMEN En este artículo se presentan las propiedades físicas y mecánicas del culmo de Guadua aculeata. El material de estudio se colectó en el predio " Las Margaritas " , Hueytamalco, Puebla, México. El marcado, derribo y ensayo se realizó tomando como referencia las normas ISO 22157-1 ISO e ISO/TR 22157-2. Se presentan valores promedio de los res...
In this study, conducted to test the effect of spacing on wood quality; the effect of four different spacing types, applied in Adapazarı Süleymaniye plantation (Region 1. 3x2 m, Region 2. 3x2.5 m, Region 3. 3.75x3.75 m, Region 4. 4x4 m), on some mechanical properties of narrow leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia) have been studied. In the present st...
To investigate the air permeability of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) and the effect of grain directions on it, the air permeabilities of air-dried sugi sapwood and heartwood were determined along the three material directions of wood. The value of the longitudinal permeability was the highest and that of the radial permeability was the lowest. The pe...