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![Maderas. Ciencia y Tecnologia](
Articles should consist of: Title, Summary (200 words maximum), Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, and References.
The title, summary and keywords should be written in Spanish and English.
The first page of the article should include: title of the work and the authors' names; the summary, containing the objectives, procedure, results and conclusions; abstract and keywords.
A footnote should indicate the authors' position, name and address of the laboratory where the investigation was conducted, and the electronic address to which to direct correspondence.
Introduction: The problem should be defined and an up-to-date vision of the existing knowledge on the topic of study should be given. People without specific knowledge of the subject in question should be able to understand the general meaning of the problem outlined.
Materials and Methods: A precise description of the procedure used, to encourage other scientists to repeat the same work.
Results and Discussion: The most important results should be presented and that they are consequence of the developed investigation, these should not be published in charts and figures. The results obtained should be interpreted and explained on the basis of the problem outlined in the introduction and relative to the observations obtained by other authors in related works.
Conclusions: The conclusions drawn should be presented as consequence of the analysis of the results. These should respond to the outlined objectives.
References: The references should appear in the text with the first author's name and the respective year of publication in parentheses (brackets). If there are more than two authors, the nomenclature et al. will be used, following the first author's last name and the year. The references should be listed at the end of the text in alphabetical order according to the author's last name.
For books:
Author (it is), year, title, edition number, publisher, city.
Example: ZOBEL, B.J.; JETT, J,B. 1995. Genetics of wood production. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
For journal articles:
Author (it is), year, title, name of the journal, volume, number (in parentheses) and number of pages.
Example: ASTLEY, R.J.; STOL, K.A.; HARRINGTON, J.J.1998. Modelling the elastic properties of wood. Part 2: The cellular microstructure. Holz als Roh und Werkstoff 56 (1): 43-50.
For theses:
DING, F. 1999. The study of modern distribuited parameter control: Aplication to lumber drying process. Ph.D. Thesis, Laval University, Quebec, Canada.
Metric System
The metric system must be used. Symbols should be normally typewritten, in italics. Their meaning should be clearly identified or explained. All equations should be numbered consecutively using numbers in parentheses in the righthand margin.
Figures, tables, drawings, photographs, ilustration should be used with discretion and included in the text. Their position within the text must be clearly indicated.
Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced in letter type New Times Roman, font size 12 points. The extension will be limited to 20 pages.
Sending Manuscripts
Correspondence to this journal including letters, typescripts or information on events should be sent in electronic files, MS Word or compatible, and submitted to the Editorial Director by email: [email protected].
A copy of the journal and 10 copies of the printed article will be sent free of cost to the authors.